Cake Decorating Research Project: Critical Review Six


Hey everybody! Welcome to my blog! The topic that I chose is cake decorating. I chose this because ever since I was a little girl, I have seen my mom and other people on TV decorate cakes. I always thought that they were so pretty and wanted to be able to do that one day. Although I knew that I wouldn’t immediately be as skilled as those people, I knew that it would be good to start off somewhere. So, I started to take a cake decorating class for beginners. We learned how to do flowers, borders, and many basic techniques. Before the class I didn’t know how to make a reverse shell border, or even smooth the surface of a cake! It was really amazing to see myself improve each week and eventually master a rose made completely out of icing. In addition to the class, I watched many episodes of Ace of Cakes on the Food Network Channel, as well as found sources online that gave good techniques on how to decorate a cake. Throughout this project, I learned many basic techniques of cake decorating from several great sources. Hopefully I can improve my skills and take this hobby to the next level! I hope you really enjoy my blog, and maybe you might learn a little something about cake decorating too!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Critical Review Six

SUMMARY: On the episode of Ace of Cakes, “Pinball Wizard”, the team of decorators had to create a giant pinball machine for a convention that was being held in Pennsylvania. However, the convention lasted for three days, so the majority of the cake wasn’t actually cake; it was Styrofoam covered in fondant. Another cake that they had to do was a Fenway Park groom’s cake. It was really neat because it was carved out of cake completely free-handed. The last cake that they had to do was a “Diana the Huntress” wedding cake. It was a very strange wedding cake theme, but it turned out to be really pretty.
RESPONSE: I thought that the Fenway Park cake turned out to be amazing! Most of it was airbrushed, which gave it a very polished and flawless look. The technique that they used to make the field was really creative. They took a piece of fondant that was cut in the shape of the field and used painter’s tape to make stripes. Then, they airbrushed over it to give it the checkered look like a real-life baseball field. The groom’s cake was a complete surprise, but the bride also got a surprise too. The team decorated a huge tiered wedding cake and stuffed fresh pink flowers between the tiers. It was something that I would have never thought about doing, but it turned out beautiful.
The “Diana the Huntress” wedding cake was very interesting. Each layer was airbrushed with a light blue. However, they wanted to make them a midnight blue color, and instead of making them just solid, the colors varied and faded in and out throughout the cake. To give it this effect, the decorator would just airbrush layer after layer onto the cake until she was able to achieve the color that she wanted. The cake was also going to have stars on it, and they wanted to use small LED lights to make it actually light up. Geof, one of the decorators said, “Do you think that people will be disgusted by earrings in their cake?” (“Pinball Wizard”). It was so funny because the smallest LED lights that they could find were actually earrings. I think that I would be grossed out to find that earrings were in my cake, but I think that it was a very creative idea which really paid off in the end product.

“Pinball Wizard.” Ace of Cakes. Food Network. 21 Aug 2008.

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