SUMMARY: Another source that I used is a short instructional book produced by Wilton. It is called The Uses of the Most Popular Decorating Tips. The book is basically a how-to book that includes many different techniques from all of the tips that Wilton makes. Decorating tips are very necessary when it comes to decorating cakes, because you can use them to make different flowers, borders, writing styles, and just a variety of different things. This book was very helpful as far as knowing what tip to use for what technique.
RESPONSE: This book was really helpful for teaching you how to do techniques that didn’t seem possible with some tips. It shows you how to use petal tips and drop flower tips to make different borders, which seems somewhat out of the ordinary. I was already aware of some of the techniques that the book gives you, but it also gives some advice on how to use different sized tips. I also thought it was really neat to see that the book gives you advice on what consistency of icing that is recommended for different types of flowers and borders. Overall this book was very helpful. It was interesting to see what all you can do with just icing and a few decorating tips.
The Uses of the Most Popular Decorating Tips. Illinois: Wilton Enterprises, 1986.