SUMMARY: For my interview, I went to the same place that I took my cake decorating class, Louise’s Cakes and Things in Hoover, Alabama, and interviewed a cake decorator there. Her name is Allison Linville, and she is a personal assistant to the owner Mrs. Louise. During the interview, I asked her several questions such as how she got started in the business, where she received her training, and what she thought was the easiest technique. Overall, the interview went well and provided me with more information about her that I wouldn’t have been able to get if I had not done the interview in person.
RESPONSE: I asked Mrs. Linville several questions, but one answer that she gave that particularly jumped out at me was after I asked her what advice she would give to someone who was aspiring to become a cake decorator. She told me that she would say not to set limits on yourself, because the sky is the limit. She said to “take art classes, flower classes, anything to do with the art in the world” (Linville). I thought that it was really interesting to see that you could take classes on any type of art and still have an inspiration for cake decorating. I didn’t really believe her when she said that flower arrangements can help you, but after I thought about it, I realized what she meant. Nowadays, people want cakes that are so life-like, if you don’t make your flowers realistic and put them together in a logical way, people are going to notice. I thought that Mrs. Linville gave me some really good information during the interview, and I was happy that I was able to interview someone with thirty years of experience.
Linville, Allison. Personal Interview. 24 April 2009.