Cake Decorating Research Project: Critical Review One


Hey everybody! Welcome to my blog! The topic that I chose is cake decorating. I chose this because ever since I was a little girl, I have seen my mom and other people on TV decorate cakes. I always thought that they were so pretty and wanted to be able to do that one day. Although I knew that I wouldn’t immediately be as skilled as those people, I knew that it would be good to start off somewhere. So, I started to take a cake decorating class for beginners. We learned how to do flowers, borders, and many basic techniques. Before the class I didn’t know how to make a reverse shell border, or even smooth the surface of a cake! It was really amazing to see myself improve each week and eventually master a rose made completely out of icing. In addition to the class, I watched many episodes of Ace of Cakes on the Food Network Channel, as well as found sources online that gave good techniques on how to decorate a cake. Throughout this project, I learned many basic techniques of cake decorating from several great sources. Hopefully I can improve my skills and take this hobby to the next level! I hope you really enjoy my blog, and maybe you might learn a little something about cake decorating too!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Critical Review One

SUMMARY: On this episode of Ace of Cakes, the team was catering for the Second Annual Green Carpet Event for the Girl Scouts in Maryland. They made giant replica cookies that were detailed on the outside and the inside. The team was also doing a scale replica of the Oak Alley Plantation House in Louisiana for a groom’s cake. It needed to be perfect because the groom was an architect and would be able to notice the fine detail. The team’s final project was a cake for a furniture company. They exchanged new chairs in the bakery for this cake.
RESPONSE: I thought that this episode was very entertaining and informative. When they were making the giant cookies, I was able to see them use a lot of different techniques with the cakes. They used a combination of fondant and icing to make the cake look very realistic. Katherine was in charge of the Girl Scout project and she said, “If I was stranded on an island, I might pick the tagalong” (“What’s Up Cookie?”). I would definitely have to agree with her; tagalongs are my favorite Girl Scout cookies. It was really amazing to see giant cakes turn into the world’s biggest Girl Scout cookies!
Another really amazing creation was the Oak Alley Plantation House. The house itself has many intricate details and columns around every side, which would seem to make it hard to replicate. However, they were able to pull it off. In the end, the cake didn’t even look like a cake. It was so well decorated that it looked as if someone had made a model house out of wood and paint. To me, it is absolutely incredible that people are able to do that with icing and sugar and fondant.
“What’s Up Cookie?” Ace of Cakes. Food Network. 3 Mar 2009.

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